Our family has no background in aviation or plane engineering and our daughter dreams about being a pilot. She had a priceless experience at the PreFlight Camp and was able to fly an airplane!! She is now convinced that becoming a pilot is more than a dream… it’s a goal!
Athasi, 14 – 2016 Preflight Camper
PreFlight is the best camp I’ve ever been to… We learned how an airplane flies, the different parts of a plane, the phonetic alphabet, how to plan a flight, why it’s important to eat right, and even a few yoga poses! The best part of the camp came at the end, when we got to tour a control tower at the airport and even fly an airplane ourselves! I had an amazing time and made new friends. I wouldn’t trade the PreFlight experience for the world!
Jennifer – 2018 Preflight Parent
This is one of the coolest, most unique experiences out there for our young women. The counselors were so inspirational and did an amazing job of enlightening our girls to all the opportunities that are out there for them.